Friday 11 March 2011

I am happier with my new magazine then i am with the older version, I think that i have continuity with in my magazine and i think that it flows well. I also think that my magazine name is moe catch then the last one.

Double Page Spread

I changed, my main celebs name, i did this because i thought before it didn't have much of a ring to it, with this one, i think that it will stick more, also i think it looks better.

Double Page Spread

New Contents page

I changed the list of pages, on my contents page, before i thought they were too crammed and not eye catching enough, On this one, there are less on them and i have made them more eye catching.

New Contents page

Front Cover

For my new title, I had it as 'Down Low' but added a D on the end, so it could be real either way, like a play on words, so it could be 'Down Low' or it could be 'Download' Because teens tend to download music.

New Front Cover

After reviewing my magazine, i decided to make a few changes, for example the name and such, I changed the title from 'The Chord' to, 'Down lowD' Personally i think this name is more young and will attract the reader for my age range more.