Wednesday 15 December 2010

Contents Page Analysis

Language- There is a picture of the front cover on the contents page, which has Paramore on and also on the contents page it has lots of pictures of paramore with page numbers, which shows the continuity through-out the magazine. There is alot of page numbers in big fint to draw your attention to that particular page. Also there is a big writing at the top which reads "its a riot" this is way of promoting her CD which is called "Riot".

Institution- Kerrang- bauer media group

Ideology- The ideology of this is that they want people who like paramore to purchase the magazine.

Audience- This magazine is aimed at people who like Indie/Rock music and like paramore.

Representation- This contents page represents Paramore and promotes her recently brought out CD
Language- This contents page is full of colour and full of writing and images, this gives the impression that the magazine is full of music information. It also says 'everything you need to hear this year' not only does this catch your attention because it rhymes, but it also catches the readers attention because they are intrigued by the fact that there is everything they need to know for that year in that magazine. There is also an advert that promotes NME, where people can subscribe and get all the music mag info, this interests the reader because they can then get the magazine every time a new issue comes out but they will have to pay monthly.

Institution- NME, IPC.

Ideology- The idea of this contents page is to get people to subscribe so they get money from people subscribing.

Audience- Anyone who likes alternative music or interested in a Indie lifestyle

Representation- this magazine represents the indie style music and represents it's self as the magazine that gives you all the music information you need to know for a full year.

Contents Page Analysis

Language- There is a big image on the contents page, which immediately gives the audience a visual idea of what the magazine contains. Also they have put the main headlines that will catch your attention in bold and in capitals to catch your eye, also with a breif description to catch the readers attention more, because one of the first things the customer does before purchasing a magazine is to look at the contents page to see what the magazine contains. Also the page numbers are printed rather big next to the sell lines which makes it easy for the reader to access the page then want.

Institution- Q magazine, bauer media group.

Ideology- Promoting the Courteeners, and under the picture it gives a quote from his mum, which will attract the reader, because it's gossip about the band.

Audience- Anyone who is interested in a rock lifestyle and interested in the sell lines which are broadcasted.

Representation- This is representing new music, because this band is a fairly knew band, also representing the magazine calling it the 'worlds best music guide'

Thursday 9 December 2010

Double Page Spread Analysis

Language- This double page spread has an image of Lady GaGa, the camera shot is a medium long shot and she is looking directly at the camera to address the reader. The heading reads 'She's the man', this is a 'dig' towards Lady GaGa because at the time of publishing there were lots of rumers flying around about GaGa saying she was a man. The main colours for this spread are red and black, these colours represent power but black can also represent dark, gloominess, like she has a secret...
She is wearing not alot on the top half and has her arm covering her breasts, she also has skin tight trousers on this shows she is dressed seductively.  There is also a small bit of writing to get the readers attention and draw them to the interview which will be on the next page.

Institution- The institution of this magazine is Q, which is published by Bauer Media Group.

Ideology- The idea of this spread is that because of the rumers, they are stirring up the rumers. They also put her in a seductive outfit to stir up rumers as to if she is a man or woman. She also has her hand in the lower area of her body also so stir conflict as to if she is or not.

Audience- The target audience for this magazine would be Lady GaGa fans, or for any one interested in that genre of music or interested in the rumers flying around about her, because of the many factors it will hit a wide ranged audience and will attract more people.

Representation- The double page spread represents its target audience by using images and features that relate to the genre of music the magazine is about.

Wednesday 8 December 2010

Double Page Spread

Language- the camera is ust below her facing up to her and from quite far away to capture her full body. Because the camera is facing upwards at her, she appears bigger than normal, which gives the impression that she is powerful, She is also wearing a black, small, skintight play suit and black killer heals, this is like what a super hero with power would wear, this also shows that she is trying to put out that she is powerful. There is also bright red on the flag and her hair is also bright red, Red also is associated with passion and power, which shows the low angle camera links in with the colout. Also she is sat on the American flag and in the background it says 'USA'.

Institution- The institution of this magazine is NME. NME is published by IPC. IPC is one of the leading magazine publishers in the UK.

Ideology- This magazine was published when Florence was releasing her song 'you got the love' which links in with the spread. Also in the back ground it reads 'You got the love' also she is sat on the USA flag, which shows she loves the USA, Even though she was born in england, at the point of this magazine being published, she had just had a hit in America, which is the likely reason for her implying she loves America.

Audience- This Double page spread is aimed at anyone who likes Florence or her music, also American people would be attracted to this magazine because someone who is non-American is saying they love America.

Representation- With in this page spread, Florence and the Machine is represented and she is promoting her new single. She is also representing America and the fact that she has now made in to America