Wednesday 15 December 2010

Language- This contents page is full of colour and full of writing and images, this gives the impression that the magazine is full of music information. It also says 'everything you need to hear this year' not only does this catch your attention because it rhymes, but it also catches the readers attention because they are intrigued by the fact that there is everything they need to know for that year in that magazine. There is also an advert that promotes NME, where people can subscribe and get all the music mag info, this interests the reader because they can then get the magazine every time a new issue comes out but they will have to pay monthly.

Institution- NME, IPC.

Ideology- The idea of this contents page is to get people to subscribe so they get money from people subscribing.

Audience- Anyone who likes alternative music or interested in a Indie lifestyle

Representation- this magazine represents the indie style music and represents it's self as the magazine that gives you all the music information you need to know for a full year.

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