Wednesday 15 December 2010

Contents Page Analysis

Language- There is a big image on the contents page, which immediately gives the audience a visual idea of what the magazine contains. Also they have put the main headlines that will catch your attention in bold and in capitals to catch your eye, also with a breif description to catch the readers attention more, because one of the first things the customer does before purchasing a magazine is to look at the contents page to see what the magazine contains. Also the page numbers are printed rather big next to the sell lines which makes it easy for the reader to access the page then want.

Institution- Q magazine, bauer media group.

Ideology- Promoting the Courteeners, and under the picture it gives a quote from his mum, which will attract the reader, because it's gossip about the band.

Audience- Anyone who is interested in a rock lifestyle and interested in the sell lines which are broadcasted.

Representation- This is representing new music, because this band is a fairly knew band, also representing the magazine calling it the 'worlds best music guide'

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