Wednesday 20 October 2010

My Front Cover

This is my front cover, i went with my first choice of font for the masthead, and i chose several of my ideas for the story lines. I especially used the blackberry choice of story line, because the girl in my image is holding a blackberry. I also went with a yellow and purple theme, because yellow is considered a happy, cheerful colour, and purple is the same colour as the official wyke college logo. For this cover i used a programme called publisher, i uploaded the photo onto it and then added my text. Also i used photoshop to make the barcode transparent, i then placed it onto my front cover.

Front Cover Photo

For the photo I decided to use my friend that goes to this college, i asked her to stand holding a folder, to represent the education on the college. The photo is a medium close up, of a young girl. Also in my photo the girl is holding a blackberry phone, and a story line next to it is "Join the blackberry world." Another story line was the Halloween party line, and the story line is orange, the colour that represents Halloween. My Mast head is also at the bottom, which is unusual for a magazine, but i attempted to place the mast head at the top and because of the picture placing it did not work, so i decided to put it at the bottom, i dont think this is such a bad idea because most people when they pick up a magazine, look to the bottom to see the story lines and the price of the magazine, so i though that it being at the bottom would also attract the readers attention.

Draft of my main cover

Mast head for my Mag

These are the fonts i like for the masthead, i decided yellow, because it's a bright colour that catches your eye, and yellow, is normally catigorised as a happy, cheerful colour.

Story Lines For My Cover

Sunday 17 October 2010

College Magazine Analysis 2

Language- This magazine has a mast head that reads "College magazine" so the audience is immediatley notified that the magazine is aimed at all college students and not just at a specific college. The mast head is also in yellow, which attracts the readers attention because the back ground is black. There is also a teaser in this front cover, is says "Ultimate spring break escape" this phrase rhymes, which makes it catch your attention and also the word escape, which can mean freedom, which is one thing teenegers want. The Mast head also connotates the date of the magazine, to the top right, it says "Summer 2009" And the mast head is yellow, which represents summer. The image is a medium close up, of a young man.

Institution- The institution of this magazine isn't for one specific college, it's for all college students. The institution is 'College Lifestyle' a company who make magazines in the US and Canada, for all college students, i know it's in US and Canada because just underneath the barcode are the prices, in dollars.

Ideology- The young man on the cover of this magazine is black, showing that there are equal opportunities for all people of different race's/ethnicities. He is also holding a book that says "Law, Business and Society" this tells the reader that there are equal opportunities for all subjects.
Audience- The demograohic audience depends on the age, gender and location of the audience, in this case, the magazine's audience would be aimed at people in their late teens, and whom are in a college, and it would be to all genders.

Representation- This text is represented by a boy who is in his late teens and also who is black, and who is interested in Law, business and society.

Wednesday 13 October 2010

College Magazine Analysis

Language- The masthead of this magazine is called "Beloit" which is the name of a college. The font is big and bold and is at the top of the page and grasps your attention so you know imediatley what the magazine is called. The background of the front cover is blurred out, making the girl in the image be the main focus, and she's holding a chemical beaker, so we immediatley know it's an educational magazine. The denotation of this cover is that it's an educational magazine, encouraging people to study at the college. There is a sub heading, saying "Doing Science at Beloit" this also goes along with the main image, because she's holding a chemical beaker.

Institution- The institution of this magazine is Beloit college.

Ideology- One of the beliefs of this text is that everyone should have an equal opportunity to an education, this is because the science is the subject on the cover, and science is predominantly a male subject, but on this front cover the pupil is female, showing all genders can have the chance to study science. Also the pupil in the text is foreign, showing that people of different race's can also have an equal opportunity to have an education. Also the sub heading that reads "Doing Science at Beloit" the word 'Science' is the biggest word in the sub heading, implying that the text is about Science and Science is a big toppic at Beloit.

Audience- The demographic audience of this text would be aimed at college in their late teens, it would also be aimed at students who are in of any gender and ethnicity, to attract as many students as possible. They wouldaim it at the average working class student, and would inform them of the events occuring through-out the college.

Representation- This text is represented by the Gender, age and race. She is obviously a female and is in her late teens, she is also of a different race.

Thursday 7 October 2010

L.I.I.A.R Interpretation Of The Brief.

Language- Media Terminology such as a Masthead- The magazine's title, usually at the top of the page. Teaser- A Phrase or word that attracts the attention of the audience.
Font- Style and size of type face.
Graphics- Graphical shapes to highlight features.
Denotation- This is the meaning of what we see in front of us, what is actually on the screen.
Connotation- The meaning we interpret from what we see in front of us. (The hidden meaning).

Institution- The Organisation that produced the Text. Such as Walt Disney that produce their films.

Ideology- Ideology is the system of idea's, beliefs, Values and Morals of the Text.

Audience- Different audience's make different readings. Such as a Demographic audience would depend on the age, gender, and location of the audience. And a Psychographic audience would depend on the personality and lifestyle of the audience.

Representation- Representation is how the text you see is represented, so it could be represented by the Gender of the person in the image, or the Race of the person, or the social class, or Age, Ethnicity, Sexuality, they all would represent it in certain ways.