Wednesday 13 October 2010

College Magazine Analysis

Language- The masthead of this magazine is called "Beloit" which is the name of a college. The font is big and bold and is at the top of the page and grasps your attention so you know imediatley what the magazine is called. The background of the front cover is blurred out, making the girl in the image be the main focus, and she's holding a chemical beaker, so we immediatley know it's an educational magazine. The denotation of this cover is that it's an educational magazine, encouraging people to study at the college. There is a sub heading, saying "Doing Science at Beloit" this also goes along with the main image, because she's holding a chemical beaker.

Institution- The institution of this magazine is Beloit college.

Ideology- One of the beliefs of this text is that everyone should have an equal opportunity to an education, this is because the science is the subject on the cover, and science is predominantly a male subject, but on this front cover the pupil is female, showing all genders can have the chance to study science. Also the pupil in the text is foreign, showing that people of different race's can also have an equal opportunity to have an education. Also the sub heading that reads "Doing Science at Beloit" the word 'Science' is the biggest word in the sub heading, implying that the text is about Science and Science is a big toppic at Beloit.

Audience- The demographic audience of this text would be aimed at college in their late teens, it would also be aimed at students who are in of any gender and ethnicity, to attract as many students as possible. They wouldaim it at the average working class student, and would inform them of the events occuring through-out the college.

Representation- This text is represented by the Gender, age and race. She is obviously a female and is in her late teens, she is also of a different race.

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