Thursday 7 October 2010

L.I.I.A.R Interpretation Of The Brief.

Language- Media Terminology such as a Masthead- The magazine's title, usually at the top of the page. Teaser- A Phrase or word that attracts the attention of the audience.
Font- Style and size of type face.
Graphics- Graphical shapes to highlight features.
Denotation- This is the meaning of what we see in front of us, what is actually on the screen.
Connotation- The meaning we interpret from what we see in front of us. (The hidden meaning).

Institution- The Organisation that produced the Text. Such as Walt Disney that produce their films.

Ideology- Ideology is the system of idea's, beliefs, Values and Morals of the Text.

Audience- Different audience's make different readings. Such as a Demographic audience would depend on the age, gender, and location of the audience. And a Psychographic audience would depend on the personality and lifestyle of the audience.

Representation- Representation is how the text you see is represented, so it could be represented by the Gender of the person in the image, or the Race of the person, or the social class, or Age, Ethnicity, Sexuality, they all would represent it in certain ways.

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