Wednesday 20 October 2010

Front Cover Photo

For the photo I decided to use my friend that goes to this college, i asked her to stand holding a folder, to represent the education on the college. The photo is a medium close up, of a young girl. Also in my photo the girl is holding a blackberry phone, and a story line next to it is "Join the blackberry world." Another story line was the Halloween party line, and the story line is orange, the colour that represents Halloween. My Mast head is also at the bottom, which is unusual for a magazine, but i attempted to place the mast head at the top and because of the picture placing it did not work, so i decided to put it at the bottom, i dont think this is such a bad idea because most people when they pick up a magazine, look to the bottom to see the story lines and the price of the magazine, so i though that it being at the bottom would also attract the readers attention.

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